Friday, September 25, 2009

ein neuer Federballschläger


Today is Friday!  This week went by so fast, I can't believe it.  Deutsche als Fremdsprache in the morning, and then I went to the Waldorfschule but I didn't have class so I went into Lübeck- I needed to buy a badminton racket.

There's a big sport store in Lübeck called Karlstadt Sport. There's a bunch of other Karlstadt stores, I guess it's some sort of chain.  Anyway, there were like, twenty different kinds of rackets here.  In the US, it's impossible to find anything but toy badminton anything- rackets, birdies, whichever.  It was nice to be able to find something.

I also picked up a side-by-side English & Deutsche book of short stories.  We'll see how that goes.

And I have some pictures today!

Here's a German bus- I ride one of these every day, several times a day.

and here are Amerikanisch Kleidungs...

a pretty epic backdrop, if you ask me

me, riding my bike home.

and one of the pretty bridges I get to pass on my way to and from school every day.

That's all for now! Have a nice weekend.

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