Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mr. Mike

I was in Braunschweig last weekend with Todd and Mike.  Here's a link to Mike's blog, in case you're interested... you can see German's Eurovision winner there!  Eurovision is a similar concept to American Idol- okay, it's not really, but I don't want to get into specifics here.

In any case, Braunschweig is great.  It may be my favorite German city.  What's more is that I got to play Ultimate with some of Mike's friends.  We played Americans vs. Germans, and even gave the Jerrys an extra player... we still crushed them 9-2.  I guess they just couldn't keep up with our chicanery.

That being said, German's aren't very good frisbee players.  It's not exactly a mainstream sport here- this weekend was the first time I've touched a frisbee in ten months.

A few fun facts:
Braunschweig is in Niedersachsen and has about 250k inhabitants.  The city itself is much bigger than Luebeck, though.  Luebeck has about 240k inhabitants.

My host-grandmother hails from Braunschweig.

Braunschweig has three breweries- 5.0, Wolters, and a third which probably isn't worth mentioning.

Braunschweig is a the biggest rival of Hanover, but Todd, Mike, and Isurmise that a secret rivalry between Braunschweig and Berlin exists for various reasons.

Braunschweig is "the Lion city"!  There's only one lion, though.

1 comment:

  1. wie gut :D
    Nagut das ist ja jetzt schon alles sehr lange her, aber ich lebe in Braunschweig und ich will auch einen Austausch machen nach Amerika :D
    Find ich irgendwie lustig das du unsere Stadt so magst, sonst ist ja Braunschweig nicht so famous.
    Liebe Grüße!

    ps:Gibt ja auch einen Grund wieso es die Löwenstadt heißt ;)
